satisfaction guarantee
$29 or less, lots of problems take less than an hour
if I can’t fix it, only $9 charge, if any
see “RATES” page for more details
strong emphasis on fixing it, instead of a quick “factory reset”
it could be tax deductible
it could be done while you wait
it includes 1/2 hour “follow-up” support call
$49 labor upgrade to SSD
make your PC / Laptop faster and more reliable,
regular hard drives are more likely to go bad due to heat and drops
I occasionally work on Macs, great computers, similar to Windows
(supposedly Gates had original licensed some of Mac’s interface for Windows, he also did some worked on the original Macintosh and Microsoft Office was originally first issued for Apple computers)
available as a part-time / full-time / temporary
(at low rates)
I can also help you sell stuff on eBay, Amazon (internet)
(I had an eBay account since 1999, 100% rating)
I occasionally help with the business aspect of it
(I was a small business owner myself, with strong sales)
administration, bookkeeping, scanning, digitalizing, taxes
Los Angeles City Tax Help
I also help with the paper work, e.g., City Taxes, just $19
P l e a s e . c a l l . o r . t e x t . a n y . t i m e
( 8 1 8 ) 9 NINE three – 6 NINE 6 NINE
I’ve been placing these posts for the last 10 years
Available a copy of my Background-Check report (zero incidents) & DMV report (zero incidents)
This post was paid by credit card
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